White Ink Set up Instruction


White Ink Set up Instruction


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White Ink Set up Layers
White Ink Set up Layers White layer on the top and color layer on the bottom

White Ink Set up Instruction

White Ink Set up 1 swatch

White Ink Set up 1 swatch open [Swatched]

White Ink Set up 2 new swatch
White Ink Set up 2 new swatch create [New Swatch]
White Ink Set up 3 Spot_White
White Ink Set up 3 Spot_White Set up Swatch Name [Spot_White] Color type [Spot Color]

White Ink Set up 4 Spot_White_Selected
White Ink Set up 4 Spot_White_Selected then filled this Spot_White to White layer object

White Ink Set up 5 Attributes
White Ink Set up 5 Attributes open [Attributes]
White Ink Set up 6 Overprint Fill
White Ink Set up 6 Overprint Fill Checked [Overprint Fill]

White Ink Set up 7 Save As
White Ink Set up 7 Save As save PDF file
White Ink Set up 8 Save As PDF
White Ink Set up 8 Save As PDF
White Ink Set up 9 Save As Advanced
White Ink Set up 9 Save As Advanced
White Ink Set up 9 Save As output
White Ink Set up 9 Save As output
White Ink Set up 9 Save As PDF
White Ink Set up 9 Save As PDF
White Ink Set Up 11 Photoprint Uncheked Ignore Overprint
White Ink Set Up 11 Photoprint Uncheked Ignore Overprint
White Ink Set Up 12 Photoprint Spot color
White Ink Set Up 12 Photoprint Spot color
White Ink Set Up 13 Photoprint White Ink Option Spot color
White Ink Set Up 13 Photoprint White Ink Option Spot color
White Ink Set Up 14 Photoprint
White Ink Set Up 14 Photoprint
Printer Manager White ink set up
Printer Manager White ink set up

Please note: White Color has 3 options [All] [RIP][Image]

Please choose [Image] if [RIP] not work for part spot white. This is because WIN system different. Some system [Image] works and some system [RIP] works.

Our uv printer can printer 3 layers for two cases:

=========Two color layers are the same one===========

This set up only has One RIP PRT file:

  1. [Layer Number] =3
  2. [Layer 1] = Color
  3. [Layer 2] = White
  4. [Layer 3] = Color

=========Two color layers are the different one===========

Please note only new version Printer manager can print this feature!!!

This set up only has TWO RIP PRT files:

  1. [Layer Number] =3
  2. [Layer 1] = Color (The first PRT file only for color)
  3. [Layer 2] = White (The second PRT file only for color with White)
  4. [Layer 3] = Color 2


Lamp Shutter Control Set up with Color Bar Set up

  1. Space from 0 to 15 to test best number.
  2. Width = 0
  3. Placement = both

Additional information


White Ink Sample Files PDF PRT, Printer Manager