Price: $449.95 USD [wp_cart:Mimaki 1394 Firewire Board:price:449.95:end]
Mimaki 1394 Firewire Board
You will need to buy this Mimaki 1394 Firewire Board If stops recognizing the printer
If your printer is printing all along and all of a sudden it stops recognizing the printer, and after you should try replacing the card FIRST or connecting a firewire hard drive to rule out a faulty computer card and you are still failed to let your printer to be recognized by computer.
Mimaiki 1394 firewire board is extremely susceptible to any large voltage swings because the firewire coming from the computer carries voltage. The best way to prevent this issue happen in the futurer and you will need to use power stability before Mimaki printer. This power stability will rule out this damage to your printer all boards including Mimaki 1394 Firewire Board.
Lavaink will provide this power stability at 499.95USD.
Mimaki JV3-130S JV3-130SL JV3-160S JV3-160SP JV3-250SP JV3-75SP II/ JV3-130SP II JV22-130 JV22-160 JV4-130 JV4-160 JV4-180 TX2-1600 UJF-605C UJF-605CII UJV-110 UJF-605RII DS-1600 DS-1800 GP-604 GP-604D GP-640S.
This Firewire board 1394 Assy is suitable for Mimaki JV3 series and TX2-1600, UJF-605C, UJV-110, UJF-605RII printers. This part is the original Mimaki part number E103898 replacing numbers E102161 E103898. This firewire board can also be used on JV4 series printers. All 1394 boards are interchangeable.
Fujitsu 1394 IC chip – for JV3/JV4 Firewire.
Here is a IC chip – 1394 Driver for a Mimaki JV3 Firewire board.
If you had a serious electrical surge, and your computer doesn’t detect the printer anymore, there’s a good chance that the 1394 card has burned out due to a voltage spike. Replacing this chip may fix your problem. These ICs are typically the ones that burn first. You should also check out the surrounding resistors as well as a couple transceivers on the board too. The firewire chip is easily damaged by voltage spikes more so than other FW products so it is very important to connect and disconnect the firewire cable ONLY WHEN BOTH THE PRINTER AND COMPUTER ARE OFF. These IC chips are difficult to obtain and thus the high price of the component. However, it is a lot less than replacing the uber -expensive board with a new one.
More machine power stability info at