Canon Encoder



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Canon Encoder

Lavaink provides you all Canon Encoder strips and Encoder sensor for all Canon Large Format Printers such as imagePROGRAF Large Format Printers.

Canon imagePROGRAF Large Format Printers consist of three kinds of width:

and so there are three kinds of Canon Encoder Strips

Canon Encoder strips and Encoder sensors for 24 inch width printers:

  1. imagePROGRAF PRO-2000
  2. imagePROGRAF iPF6450
  3. imagePROGRAF iPF6400
  4. imagePROGRAF iPF6400SE
  5. imagePROGRAF iPF685
  6. imagePROGRAF iPF680
  7. imagePROGRAF iPF670 with Stand
  8. imagePROGRAF iPF670 MFP L24
  9. imagePROGRAF iPF670
  10. imagePROGRAF iPF670E

Canon imagePROGRAF TX series Encoder strips and Canon Encoder sensors for 36 inch width printers:

  1. imagePROGRAF iPF770 MFP L36
  2. imagePROGRAF TX-3000
  3. imagePROGRAF TX-3000 MFP T36
  4. imagePROGRAF iPF785
  5. imagePROGRAF iPF785 MFP M40
  6. imagePROGRAF iPF780
  7. imagePROGRAF iPF780 MFP M40
  8. imagePROGRAF iPF780 Contex MFP
  9. imagePROGRAF iPF770
  10. imagePROGRAF iPF770 Contex MFP

Canon imagePROGRAF iPF series Encoder strips and Encoder sensors for 44 inch width printers:

  1. imagePROGRAF PRO-4000
  2. imagePROGRAF PRO-4000S
  3. imagePROGRAF iPF8400SE
  4. imagePROGRAF TX-4000
  5. imagePROGRAF TX-4000 MFP T36
  6. imagePROGRAF iPF850
  7. imagePROGRAF iPF8100
  8. imagePROGRAF iPF850 MFP M40
  9. imagePROGRAF iPF840
  10. imagePROGRAF iPF840 Contex MFP
  11. imagePROGRAF iPF840 MFP M40
  12. imagePROGRAF iPF830
  13. imagePROGRAF iPF830 MFP M40
  14. imagePROGRAF iPF830 Contex MFP

Canon PRO-6000 Encoder strips and Encoder sensors for 60 inch width printers:

  1. imagePROGRAF PRO-6000
  2. imagePROGRAF PRO-6000S

Additional information


PRO-2000, iPF6450, iPF6400, iPF6400SE, iPF685, iPF680, iPF670 with Stand, iPF670 MFP L24, iPF670, iPF670E, iPF770 MFP L36, TX-3000, TX-3000 MFP T36, iPF785, iPF785 MFP M40, iPF780, iPF780 MFP M40, iPF780 Contex MFP, iPF770, iPF770 Contex MFP, PRO-4000, PRO-4000S, iPF8400SE, TX-4000, TX-4000 MFP T36, iPF8100, iPF850, iPF850 MFP M40, iPF840, iPF840 Contex MFP, iPF840 MFP M40, iPF830, iPF830 MFP M40, iPF830 Contex MFP, PRO-6000, PRO-6000S